Contact: 01590 610 190 |

Indiba Aesthetics FAQs

On this page we have a number of Indiba Aesthetics FAQs. The Indiba Deep Beauty devices have enabled Beauty Salons and Spas to deliver revolutionary treatments to their clients for over 40 years.

What is the recovery time following an Indiba treatment?

There is no recovery time required following an Indiba treatment.  Many clients have their Indiba before having their hair cut on a regular 4-6 six weekly basis.

Can Indiba be combined with other treatments?

Yes. Just like going to the gym to do different exercises, collagen stimulation improves by carrying out different treatments that may also address different concerns such as pigmentation, large pores etc. For example, Indiba treatments can also be combined with a Chemical Peel with the Peel being done straight afterwards giving even deeper results.

Which skin types can be treated?

All skin types can be treated with Indiba Deep Care.

Will I receive any training?

Yes, you will receive full training on the device. We will go through a comprehensive training program and the protocols that are applied for different treatments.

Is there ongoing customer service?

Yes, we will be in touch regularly and keep you updated with any additional training tips or changes to protocols.

Indiba Deep Beauty Facial treatment using the Indiba Deep Beauty Edna machine to help reduce wrinkles, crows feet and make the skin glow
Indiba Deep Beauty Body treatment using the Indiba Deep Beauty Edna machine to help reduce wrinkles, crows feet and make the skin glow. Cellulite too.

Office Address

Londesborough House
34-35 High Street
SO41 9AF

Registered Office

7 Lynwood Court, Priestlands Place, Lymington, Hampshire SO41 9GA

IndibaUK is a trading name of SSA LLP, registered in England, number OC363594

VAT Reg. No: 112549926

Contact Us

Tel: 01590 610 190

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